General information

Baby-sitting service

Attending international conferences is not easy for young scientists in charge of young children. For enhancing the inclusivity of our event,
we organize a professional free baby-sitting service
on demand at the conference center.

If you are interested please contact :


The official language of the Conference is English.

Notice for drivers 

Drivers should be aware that the tolerance of blood alcohol level while driving in France is 0.5 g/l.

Local Transportation

Public transport in the city is well organized.



You can take a taxi anywhere in the city. You can ask the concierge of your hotel to call one for you. A list of taxis will be available at the conference  welcome desk.

Currency, Exchange, Credit Cards

The official currency in France is the Euro. You can exchange foreign currency in several banks and Currency Exchange Businesses.
Credit cards are very common in the urban areas. Shops and restaurants that normally accept credits cards display a list of these cards on their shop windows.
It’s advisable to carry some cash with, since for small purchases, shops do normally prefer to be paid cash.


Smoking is not allowed inside the Congress buildings, at the venues for the social functions and in all public locals in the city. Smokers are kindly required to smoke outdoors or in the smoking areas.

Electricity Supply

In France electricity is generally supplied at 220 volts and a frequency of 50 Hz. Plugs are normally with two or three pins. Plug adaptors or converters might be necessary for those coming e.g. from the USA, UK and Japan.


Please remember to dial the international code of the country you want to call to.
112 is reserved for emergency calls throughout the European Union. The number is free and can be dialed from any phone, landline or mobile, 24/7. It puts you in contact with the following emergency services: police, fire department, ambulance.


The organizers cannot accept liability for any personal accidents, loss of belongings or damage to private property of participants and accompanying persons that may occur during the Congress.
