Monday, 16 September
Tuesday, 17 September
Wednesday, 18 September
Thursday, 19 September
Monday, 16 September
08:00 | Registration Main Hall / Level 1 |
09:00 | Workshop Tutorial 1 | BioElectronics Sully 2 |
Workshop Tutorial 2 | Towards sustainable processes for micro & nanotechnologies Sully 1 |
12:30 | Lunch Sully 3 |
13:30 | General iMNEs Board Meeting Barcelona |
14:00 – 17:30 | Workshop Tutorial 3 | Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology in microelectronics Sully 1 |
Workshop Tutorial 4 | Environmental sensors Sully 2 |
16:00 | Registration Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
16:15 | General iMNEs General Assembly Sully 3 |
18:00 | Drinks Reception Welcome Reception Main Hall |
Tuesday, 17 September
08:00 | Registration Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
08:30 | Panel Opening Ceremony Pasteur |
08:45 | Keynote Sébastien Toussaint Pasteur |
09:30 | Keynote Jose Moran-Mirabal Pasteur |
10:15 | Tea and Coffee Coffee & Exhibitors Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
10:45 | Oral T4 – Session 1: Microfluidics for life sciences Pasteur |
Oral T1 – Session 1: High-resolution lithography Antigone 1 |
Oral T2 – Session 1: MEMS Einstein |
Oral T3 – Session 1: Pressure and Force sensing Antigone 3 |
12:00 | Lunch Level 3 |
13:15 | Oral T4 – Session 2: Cell-Biomaterials interactions Einstein |
Oral T1 – Session 2: Pattern transfer Antigone 1 |
Oral T2 – Session 2: MEMS Pasteur |
Oral T3 – Session 2: Optical Metasurfaces Antigone 3 |
14:15 | Tea and Coffee Coffee & Exhibitors Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
14:45 | Oral T1 – Session 3: Material deposition & Processes Antigone 1 |
Oral T4 – Session 3: Biosensors Einstein |
Oral T5 – Session 1: Environmental Sensors Pasteur |
Oral T2 – Session 3: MEMS & Quantics Antigone 3 |
15:45 | Tea and Coffee Coffee & Exhibitors Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
16:00>17:00 | Panel Open Discussion: Psychological Safety Antigone 1 |
16:30 | Poster Antigone 2 |
Wednesday, 18 September
08:00 | Registration Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
08:45 | Keynote Akira Fujiwara Pasteur |
09:30 | Keynote Jacqueline Bloch Pasteur |
10:15 | Tea and Coffee Coffee & Exhibitors Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
10:45 | Oral T1 – Session 4: High-resolution lithography Pasteur |
Oral T4 – Session 4: Cell-Biomaterials interactions Antigone 3 |
Oral T5 – Session 2: Manufacturing Technologies for a Sustainable Future Einstein |
Oral T2 – Session 4: Probes for Devices and Structures Venue – Antigone 1 |
12:00 | Lunch Level 3 |
13:15 | Oral T1 – Session 5: Micro & Nano- structuration / Prototyping Antigone 3 |
Oral T4 – Session 5: Brain tissue micro- interfaces Einstein |
Oral T2 – Session 5: Nano and Micro Devices and Structures Antigone 1 |
Oral T3 – Session 3: Phononics Pasteur” |
14:15 | Tea and Coffee Coffee & Exhibitors Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
14:45 | Oral T1 – Session 6: Material deposition & Processes Antigone 3 |
Oral T4 – Session 7: Biosensors Einstein |
Oral T3 – Session 4: Atmospheric sensing Pasteur |
Oral T2 – Session 6: Nano and Micro Fabrication Antigone 1 |
15:45 | Tea and Coffee Coffee & Exhibitors Exhibition Hall / Level 0 |
16:30 | Poster Antigone 2 |
18:30 | Bus Transfer Front Gate |
19:00 | Gala Dinner
Thursday, 19 September